Monday 9 April 2012

Blessings from the heart

i am really happy for you guys..sincerely from my heart =]
maybe i am really just a mere temporary figure sent into your life as a small and tiny lesson in life.

i am sorry i couldn't give you what you need at that time and sorry that i broke your heart
but all of that are past tense now,
most importantly, you moved on with a new mate now.

above all of that,
i know this is non of my business, i just wish you could know that you will always have my blessings. Always.

我祝福你们。加油 =)

Sunday 25 March 2012


Such is life, my friend said.

i will have to test myself then, tolerate the present and work hard for a better future.
do we need to start practicing and learn to be patience in work with routine-ed work in the future?
LOL, random thought.

am i really thinking too much of unnecessary stuff??

Friday 2 March 2012

My Grandmother

i will never forget your face..always with a smile when you see us back..
you will always be that CUTE grandma i had..
your laughter will forever stay in my memories..
i wonder if i could get used to the absence of you..
i just hope that you didn't suffered too much pain

i will miss you..
and i know i never had the chance to tell you that i love you, grandma.

Rest In Peace.

Wednesday 15 February 2012

Departure of a friend

Friends are leaving for overseas again..
and there's an addition 1 more this year---> Mr.Mok

hmm..let's talk about this Mr.Mok
this will be interesting..hahaha

  • Met and started knowing him cause of Scouts of course (awesome) 
  • same class in 1B2 and 2B2
  • same area (section 17 and SS2)
  • crazy moments during scout (meetings, camp, football and others)
  • honestly we are not THAT close until after SPM i think 
  • gets closer due to massive amount of frisbee and L4D-ing..ehhem
  • and he's the driver who always fetches me around in his car for frisbee and outings..
    tonnes of thank you for that =)
  • awesome friend indeed..haha
  • hope our friendship won't just gone like that ba..haha
  • wish him All The Best in Australia and he'll be missed =)
felt quite bad because didn't buy him any farewell gift though=/

Wednesday 1 February 2012

untitled 1

during my 1st mechanics of materials lecture today..lecturer mentioned something like :

people nowadays do not care about services anymore..people nowadays are just too money minded..
all because of media, internet and stuff like that..
people just are not passionate about their job anymore and do not cherish their services to the society,

example he used is builders in Malaysia ( he's a foreigner lecturer i think..if i am not wrong)
why do buildings nowadays,especially walls of our houses have cracks? it's mainly because during the builders stack the bricks in your wall..they just simply dump mortar(cement+water+sand) on top of a row of nicely placed bricks and just simply slip the mortar into the gap between the bricks..that causes air and air will react chemically with the surroundings inside with time and therefore weakening the wall and crack happened

another thing he mentioned which is true is that concrete is supposed to go through curing process to increase their strength and most of Malaysians builders don't do that..that's 30% strength extra and they just don't assumed that Malaysia is safe forever? @@

random post..haha

Yi Shiuan

Saturday 28 January 2012

inspired by the old me

this sound weird but i am actually inspired by my old self to blog more often..
i talk about changes so often in my old blog..but now i realized why force myself?
i will just go with the what i feel is right at that moment..isn't that just less stressful

and the so called real world..i have took a glimpse in it and i don't like it =(
even my own family members have politics that i do not wish it is real @@

is it the reason i felt that way is cause i m " the peacemaker " like what the personality test says?

Past Blogposts

suddenly had the urge to click my old blog's old posts..i started reading from the very 1st post..
and OH MY GOD..
did those posts bring back memories..
even the date of it made me go wow

MEMORIES of everyone who appeared in my life during secondary school life..
MEMORIES of my silly thoughts back then..
MEMORIES of how silly and funny the old me is..hahaha
MEMORIES of the people i loved =)

and i thought about now..what do i have left?
and realised that what i do not cherish now shall be a regret in the future..
but i am just No One
how can i know in time what to cherish and what is it that i will regret..
i do not have the proper mindset and intelligence to think about that

i am having the crying feeling inside me right now

signing off at 2.20am 28/1/2012