Sunday, 1 January 2012

The New Year 2012

Happy New Year everyone! =) its 2012 already
like someone said, going to be twenty more teen years =/
good thing? bad thing?

let's see what i recall about my whole 2011,

let's say its been both tough and plain year..

hmm..well..let's just be honest for this post..

well..i had 2 breakups in the year 2010 before (call me a jerk for that)
so basically 2011 is like picking myself up and try to move on..
but it FAILED badly anyways
feelings, regrets, thoughts about those relationships just cant stop haunting me..yes..i am that weak and stupid
but now it's getting lesser of course..time does really heal wounds..don't they?
and honestly..i m scared to love again at the moment..i don't want to hurt both myself and another girl's heart again -.- but who knows? and i shall just stop talking about something that i am bad at

my results did had a great fall too..couldn't blame anyone else but me for that =/
and degree first year first semester now didn't go so well as well

my 6 months break in the middle of this year..erm..worked in TTC as part time receptionist..okay..i didn't profit a lot as i was using about the amount/more than what i have been earning..

but one thing that really keep me occupied during this later half of the year 2011..

Ultimate Frisbee..can't deny that i really starting to fall for this sport..
i never had imagined this but it truly did..
slowly stepping out of my comfort zones is what i have did a few times durthis period of time..
the biggest turning point is the trip to Penang Hat 2011
really an eye-opener and i fall for Ultimate even more =)

okay..i cant think of any aspect else to write..gah..i am such a bad blogger

so my resolution for my year 2012 :
main one is to lighten up my life and of course a better one compared to 2011

at the moment don't have any inspiration to blog

til then, signing off at 4.08am 04/01/2012
Yi Shiuan

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